From Leading for Literacy Chapter Six, Teacher Team Tool 6.1 contains protocols that are designed to help teams organize their inquiries into instruction and provide choice in setting meeting topics that meet a team’s goals.
Teacher Team Tools
Text and Task Analysis Inquiry (5.12)
When teachers know how to identify the demands a text makes on the reader, and in relation to a particular task, they are able to select appropriate texts for classroom use, plan appropriate tasks, and anticipate necessary supports. From Leading for Literacy Chapter Five, Teacher Team Tool 5.12 is designed to guide teachers through this inquiry process.
Exploring Argumentation Inquiry (5.11)
With a topic-focused text set, disciplinary teams explore the reading and thinking processes they engage in to develop claims across the texts and then to build an argument for a claim. Their experience informs ways they may want to scaffold their own classroom instruction. From Leading for Literacy Chapter Five, Teacher Team Tool 5.11 outlines a procedure for this exploration.
Interpreting Disciplinary Practices Inquiry (5.10)
From Leading for Literacy Chapter Five, Teacher Team Tool 5.10 outlines an inquiry that provides a way for teachers in a discipline to identify common disciplinary reading practices — practices that are then more available to them as they consider how to stage them for their students.
Tracking Concept Development (5.9)
From Leading for Literacy Chapter Five, Teacher Team Tool 5.9 contains two metacognitive notetakers designed to help readers recognize (or backtrack to recognize) how their conceptual understanding evolves in relation to their processing of textual information. When teams take the time to practice building the habit of tracking their own conceptual change, their students can become the ultimate beneficiaries of this powerful strategy for deepening disciplinary knowledge and understanding.
Wondering About Words Inquiry (5.8)
As experienced readers, teachers automatically incorporate a number of strategies for approaching unfamiliar vocabulary. From Leading for Literacy Chapter Five, Teacher Team Tool 5.8 walks teachers through an inquiry that reminds them of what they do, and what their students might learn to do.