Professional Learning
Reading Apprenticeship’s professional learning is proven to support teaching and learning across a range of demographics and educational settings. Several decades of research demonstrates that our approach results in more engaging and effective teacher assignments with significant improvement in student literacy and overall test scores.
Our flexible suite of in-person and facilitated online offerings helps you quickly start implementing the Reading Apprenticeship approach and sustain ongoing success. See the calendar below for our upcoming scheduled offerings or contact us schedule any of these offerings at your site.

To quickly share information about us with your colleagues, download our brochures and implementation plans:
Phase One (pick one)
Start your Reading Apprenticeship journey
Phase Two (pick one)
Take your Reading Apprenticeship practice to the next level
Phase Three (pick one)
Become a Reading Apprenticeship leader on your campus
Phase One (pick one)
Start your Reading Apprenticeship journey
Phase Two (pick one)
Take your Reading Apprenticeship practice to the next level
Phase Three (pick one)
Become a Reading Apprenticeship leader on your campus
Reading Apprenticeship professional learning course calendar
Custom solutions and comprehensive literacy planning
Our professional learning solutions can be tailored to address an array of specific needs and are available for individual teachers, cohorts of up to forty, and whole schools or districts. For a deeper adoption of Reading Apprenticeship, our team can partner with you to design and meet your strategic literacy planning goals in addition to tailoring professional learning.
Contact us today for a customized presentation about how we can support your professional learning goals, strategic literacy planning, or both
Making Connections, Solving Problems
My students are more comfortable tackling the text because they practice all the time. They don’t depend on me to tell them everything anymore.”
— Jeanne Gochnauer
Human Anatomy and Physiology Teacher
Reading High School, PA