Webinars, What's New
Sustaining Evidence-Based Literacy Learning and Leadership
Are you looking to enhance your secondary program and student outcomes? Join us December 4 for a lively conversation about instructional leadership and the power of Reading Apprenticeship to bring about continuous improvement for both teachers and students in all subject areas. Facilitated by leaders from two WestEd teams, Reading Apprenticeship and Educational Leadership and…

Disciplinary Literacies, Research & Publications, Spotlight, What's New
Reading Apprenticeship Featured in EdWeek
We’re thrilled to share that a recent EdWeek article, “What Happens When Every Teacher in a School Has the Tools to Improve Reading?” features Reading Apprenticeship. The piece is part of a larger special report on Disciplinary Literacy. EdWeek reporters interviewed several teachers and leaders, as well as WestEd staff Misty Sailors and Mary Stump.…

Professional Learning Events, Webinars, What's New
Cultivating Classroom Community Through Literacy
Join WestEd literacy leaders Linda Friedrich and Heather Howlett on Oct. 15 as they discuss practical ways to create a welcoming classroom where every student feels valued, heard, and motivated to read and learn. Participants will leave the webinar with ideas and techniques to implement immediately in their classrooms. Date: October 15th, 2024 Time: 12:00…

Professional Learning Events, What's New
College Educators – Energize your Teaching with RA101 Now!
RA 101 for College Instructors starts Sept. 9 online There is nothing better than a supportive community of educators when you are launching another school year with your college students. Reading Apprenticeship 101, a 32-hour asynchronous online course for teachers of every subject, gives you that community, plus an expert facilitator, new knowledge, and teaching routines.…

Professional Learning Events
2025 Professional Learning Sessions
A great way to get started with Reading Apprenticeship is to join one of our Summer Institutes. Learn more and register today!
Professional Learning Events, Webinars
Reading Apprenticeship 101 “Making it Real” Workshop Series Summer 2024
In this free, workshop series, current and past participants in Reading Apprenticeship 101 have the opportunity to develop and share plans for core routines: Establishing Community Agreements, Personal Reading History, Think Aloud and Talking to the Text, and Analyzing Disciplinary Text Demands. Participants will: Connect with a professional community of readers, educators, and learners to…

Presentations, Research & Publications, What's New
New College Publication and Online Conversation
Join college faculty, leaders, and Reading Apprenticeship facilitators in an online conversation hosted by the editors of the recent special issue of the Journal on Excellence in College Teaching. Nika Hogan and co-authors Magruder and McCormick authored an article that is part of the issue conversation, and for a limited time you can read it…

What's New
Grant for Academic Literacy curriculum and Professional Development
Reading Apprenticeship is proud to announce that we won a federal 2024-2028 grant to update and evaluate our Academic Literacy (“RAAL”) course. This curriculum and its related professional learning enable teachers to support middle and high school students to read deeply in history, English, and science, while also building their foundational literacy skills, stamina, and…

Kimberly Fargier, Facilitator
Location: San Antonio, Texas Years of Teaching: 24 If you had to describe yourself as an educator, what six words would you use and why? Responsive, creative, engaging, inspiring, challenging, and welcoming. After my first year teaching, I quickly discovered that most adults and students enter my life and classroom, with libraries full of negative…
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