In studies by independent evaluators, teachers who participated in Reading Apprenticeship professional learning demonstrated measurable and substantial proficiency supporting disciplinary literacy progress compared to control group teachers.
Students whose teachers participated in Reading Apprenticeship professional development made statistically significant gains in reading comprehension and/or subject-area achievement on standardized tests.
These consistent findings establish Reading Apprenticeship as a highly effective professional learning solution that brings real results in impacting teacher development and student success.
Read the studies linked below, and visit our Research Archive for more.
Studies show that Reading Apprenticeship produces:
- Improvement on standardized tests
- Significant impact on students’ reading comprehension scores
- Substantial improvement in students’ grade point average in core academic classes
U.S. Department of Education
Project READI: Reading, Evidence, and Argumentation in Disciplinary Instruction
Reading for Understanding Across Grades 6–12: The Role of Evidence-Based Argumentation in Disciplinary Learning
U.S. Department of Education
Validation at Scale Study: RAISE
Reading Apprenticeship Improving Secondary Education: Scaling Transformative Professional Development for Content Area Literacy
U.S. Department of Education
High School U.S. History and Biology
A Study of the Efficacy of Reading Apprenticeship Professional Development for High School History and Science Teaching
National Science Foundation
Reading Apprenticeship and Science Instruction in High School Biology
Impact on Teacher Practice, Student Engagement, and Student Achievement
U.S. Department of Education
Reading Apprenticeship Academic Literacy Course
The Enhanced Reading Opportunities Study: The Impact of Supplemental Literacy Courses for Struggling 9th Grade Readers