Today’s secondary and college students need strong literacy skills, subject-area knowledge, self-direction, and curiosity to succeed. Reading Apprenticeship opens opportunities for all students, giving them new ways of reading, writing, thinking, talking, and reasoning in supportive classroom environments.
What it is, why it’s different
Teachers using the Reading Apprenticeship approach learn to model discipline-specific literacy skills and establish routines for discussion and collaboration that tap students’ own experiences.
The Reading Apprenticeship approach is based on a unique framework of four interacting dimensions of learning that support both academic and social-emotional learning: social, personal, cognitive, and knowledge-building.
These four dimensions are integrated into subject-area teaching and developed through metacognitive conversation that explores students’ thinking processes. Students think and talk about how they learn as well as what they learn. This collaborative work takes place within the context of extensive reading — increased in-class opportunities for students to practice reading in more skillful ways.
Read more about how Reading Apprenticeship supports social-emotional learning
Teaching students to understand their own thinking processes enables them to take control of their learning and build academic identities as problem solvers who persevere.
The interacting dimensions of the
Reading Apprenticeship framework
Extensive Reading
Surrounding the dimensions of classroom life is reading itself. Reading Apprenticeship classrooms feature many kinds of text, digital and print, and an increased amount of reading.
Social Dimension
Builds Collaboration
- Create a supportive learning environment
- Share reading processes, problems, and solutions
- Explore the relationship between literacy and collaboration
Personal Dimension
Builds Academic Identity
- Develop identity as a reader
- Increase reader fluency, stamina, and range
- Foster confidence and persistence
Cognitive Dimension
Builds Self-Monitoring Comprehension
- Develop problem-solving strategies
- Build big-picture understanding
- Learn to break down text
- Set and adjust reading goals
Knowledge Dimension
Builds Disciplinary Knowledge
- Surface, build, and refine schema
- Build knowledge of texts and language
- Develop understanding of disciplinary discourse/practice
Metacognitive Conversation
Conversation and Thinking About Thinking
- Unites the four dimensions
- Develops awareness of the reading process
- Makes comprehension strategies visible
- Provides crucial support for English learners
Reading Apprenticeship in action
“Reading Apprenticeship has proven to be an inspiration to faculty and students alike. They have learned together to view themselves as readers in transformative ways.”
— Steve Hanson, President, Renton Technical College
See how Reading Apprenticeship works in a Dixon High School Honors U.S. History classroom
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What funding sources can help pay for Reading Apprenticeship?
How does Reading Apprenticeship transform teacher practice?
Do I have to buy curriculum? Does Reading Apprenticeship offer teaching materials?
Where has Reading Apprenticeship worked and what are some examples of successful implementation? How can I arrange a visit to a school for firsthand observation?
Do English learners benefit from Reading Apprenticeship?
Why do subject-area teachers need to participate in Reading Apprenticeship — isn’t it for ELA teachers?
Can instructors implement Reading Apprenticeship on their own?
For what types of students, classrooms and schools does Reading Apprenticeship work?
How does Reading Apprenticeship support social-emotional learning?
Have another question? Get in touch with our team here.