Team members can consider the prompts in this resource as they design, participate in, and reflect on the classroom environment they are hoping to promote through Reading Apprenticeship-inflected lessons.
Teacher Team Tools
Planning and Support Conference Protocol (6.6)
As team members share their plans for initiating a Reading Apprenticeship classroom, tentative ideas may change, new ideas may be suggested, and a clearer sense of the interaction of goals and activities may emerge. This resource provides a protocol for planning and support.
Reading Apprenticeship Framework Activity Planner (6.5)
This planner is one way to guide the generation and recording of ideas about how to integrate Reading Apprenticeship goals into subject area instruction. The resulting plan should be thought of as part of a design process that will continue to evolve.
Identifying Routines and Scaffolds Note Taker (6.4)
In this routine, team members take a few minutes to review Reading for Understanding, marking with a sticky note any routines or scaffolds they may want to consider as they plan their first weeks of instruction.
A Progression for Building Metacognition in Shared Class Reading (6.3)
In this model sequence of metacognitive reading experiences that build students’ reading independence, the first three activities occur once; the others recur, in increasingly refined and/or increasingly expansive iterations.
Implementing Reading Apprenticeship: The First Four Weeks (6.2)
What are the most important goals to hold onto during the first weeks of school or a semester? What are some specific routines or activities that support those goals? Teachers can keep these goals and activities in mind as they envision introducing their own students to Reading Apprenticeship.