Explanatory Modeling in Science Through Text-Based Investigation: Testing the Efficacy of the Project READI Intervention Approach
March 15, 2019 Research Reports
This report describes the impact of Project READI science work on both teaching practices and student literacy learning. The Reading Apprenticeship team provided professional learning and text-based investigation modules for the intervention teachers and schools and conducted a multi-site efficacy trial in 9th grade biology. Teachers in the intervention group engaged in new teaching practices known to support students’ literacy and science learning, and differences between intervention and control teachers’ practices grew over the course of the study. Students who participated in the semester-long intervention of the READI approach outperformed those in business-as-usual classrooms in which the same science topics were covered, on both a project-developed assessment and on a scenario-based assessment developed by ETS.
Learn more about Project READI.