Design Elements
Text-Rich Design Elements were developed through collaborative design research by Project READI during IES’s Reading for Understanding Initiative, a six-year multidisciplinary, multi-site project to develop and test innovations addressing malleable factors in advancing students’ reading comprehension (Greenleaf, et al., 2012). Project READI (Reading, Evidence, and Argumentation in Disciplinary Inquiry) focused on building students’ disciplinary literacy in science, literature, and history in grades 6 – 12. Table 1 synthesizes the READI approach to core constructs and learning goals in science and was provided to teachers during professional development in the current project.
(See Greenleaf, C.; Brown, W.; Hale, G.; Sexton, U.; George, M.A (2012). Designing text-based investigations for evidence-based argumentation in science. Strategic Literacy Initiative, WestEd. READI Technical Report #17. Retrieved from URL: