Biology, High School
April 20, 2022 Curriculum - science
This high school Biology unit focuses on the inquiry question, “What makes us who we are?” Students will learn about the structure and function of DNA. Students will extract DNA from strawberries, analyze DNA’s molecular structure, observe how DNA is stored within cells, and explore how and why DNA is replicated. This unit was designed to be taught virtually. Educators may be interested in modifying the activities/materials for in-person instruction. The unit draws on the NGSS Science and Engineering Practices of asking questions and defining problems and developing and using models, the cross cutting concepts of systems and system models, and many disciplinary core ideas related to structure and function, inheritance, and biodiversity. It also draws on Reading Apprenticeship routines of partner Think Alouds, Talking to the Text, and social scaffolding through independent, partner, and small group work and whole group discussion.