The public comment period has ended. To learn more, please visit:
The National Assessment Governing Board is leading updates to the Reading Assessment Framework for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), also known as the Nation’s Report Card. The updated draft of the framework is now ready for public feedback. Webinars for stakeholder groups, including teachers, parents, and researchers, will be hosted throughout the public comment period (June 22-July 23, 2020).
This is an opportunity to affirm the draft or suggest changes, so that that the new 2025 framework reflects recent knowledge about reading comprehension, standards, achievement goals, and assessment. The current framework has been in place since 2009; these frameworks have a challenging role in that they are designed to measure trends in performance over time, so they need to last, yet be responsive to our changing knowledge and context.
The Reading Apprenticeship team encourages knowledgeable stakeholders — especially you reading comprehension experts out there — to review the proposed framework and add your good questions and suggestions to this important work.
To activate your literacy and framework schema, here are some of the questions that have guided the 2025 NAEP Reading Framework update:
- How should the texts and reading tasks used in NAEP be updated to reflect contemporary aspirations and expectations for reading?
- How should NAEP integrate reading and writing while maintaining NAEP Reading and NAEP Writing assessments and reporting?
- How should NAEP account for the interplay between knowledge and reading comprehension?
- How should NAEP take better advantage of the affordances of digitally-based assessments?
- How should NAEP modify the content and structure of the Reading assessment and the reporting of results in order to more equitably represent students’ reading achievement?
- What new theoretical and research-based understandings about reading comprehension and its assessment need to be reflected in the framework?