Essentials II will take your Reading Apprenticeship practice to the next level. Middle school, high school, and college educators will experience and learn specific cognitive and knowledge-building routines they can embed in their instruction to increase students’ abilities to mobilize personal schema and build knowledge about disciplinary text, language, and concepts, whether in-person or online. Both tracks will provide a deeper dive into the Reading Apprenticeship framework’s four dimensions of learning and metacognitive conversation.
This course is a Phase 2 Reading Apprenticeship professional learning opportunity and is equivalent to other Phase 2 courses and seminars.
Participants will learn to:
- Support students to ask and answer a wide range of questions about text to support reading and disciplinary reasoning
- Support students to develop a range of strategies to solve reading problems
- Support students to use and construct visuals to support sense-making while reading
- Support students to get the gist while reading and construct summaries
- Help students access and build on their schema to support engagement and learning
- Help students vary their reading processes to meet the unique demands of texts in your discipline
- Help students use the academic language of your discipline
- Use students’ reading, thinking, and talking about reading to support growing competence and changing needs
Who should attend:
- Middle school, high school, and higher-ed educators of all subject areas
- Administrators, coaches, and instructional support personnel
- Prerequisite: Completion of a Phase 1 Reading Apprenticeship institute, seminar, or online course
Reading Apprenticeship Essentials II is available at your site or ours, online or in-person. It is designed to deepen your Reading Apprenticeship professional learning. Middle school, high school, and college educators will experience and learn new ways to build on student strengths and increase comprehension.
In-Person Track
- Comprised of 2-day live institutes + more
- Full day (6-hour) sessions of immersive learning
- Builds community and models classroom strategy and implementation
- Teachers experience extended inquiry, collaboration, and reflection with colleagues
- Flexible in dates and sequencing (2-4 days) options for school / district buyout scheduling
- Available for small team /individual registration 1-2x per year
Online Track*
- Comprised of 6 two-hour Zoom sessions (total of 12 hours synchronous work)
- Multi-modal online classroom / course
- Builds uniquely powerful community in the digital space
- Provides extensive support for online instruction, including modeling of effective tools and strategies
- WestEd hosts the course on their online learning platform
*Technical requirements:
- Operating Systems: Windows 7 (and newer), Mac OSX 10.6 (and newer), Linux – Chrome OS
- Computer Speed and Processor: Use a computer not more than 5 years old when possible, 1GB of RAM, 2GHz processor
- Internet Speed: Minimum of 512kbps
Location & Scheduling
Upcoming Opportunities
Dates | Name | Location | Register |
2025-06-26Jun 26–27, 2025 | Essentials II: Livonia, MI | In-person | Sign up online |
2025-06-26Jun 26–27, 2025 | Essentials II: San Francisco, CA | In-person | Sign up online |
2025-08-14Aug 14–15, 2025 | Essentials II: San Francisco, CA | In-person |
To get alerted of changes or future announcements, sign up for our mailing list.
You can also visit our Get Started page, or contact us to learn how to begin implementing Reading Apprenticeship professional learning, secure funding, and promote coherence across multiple initiatives.
For individual teachers or small teams of teachers who are requesting district funding to attend, here is a template letter that can be sent to district personnel.
Cost & Included Resources
- In-person registration fee: $1550
- Online registration fee: $1300
- This service is also available at your site or as a private course online, please contact us for pricing and to set dates that work for your team.
Included course materials:
- Our best-selling book, Reading for Understanding
- A binder of professional readings
- Classroom implementation materials
Federal funding: The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) recognizes four levels of evidence. The top three levels require findings of a statistically significant effect on improving student outcomes or other relevant outcomes. Based on the law’s definition, Reading Apprenticeship qualifies as a “strong” evidenced-based professional development model that states, districts and schools can utilize to advance their specific adolescent literacy initiatives. To support these efforts, state and local leaders can look to braid federal funding streams such as Title I, Title II-Part A and B, and Title III.
Refund policy: For individual registration sessions of this course, we offer full refunds up to two weeks prior to the scheduled course start. A 50% refund will be granted if the request to withdraw is received within the two week period before the course begins.
What's Next
After participating in this Phase 2 Reading Apprenticeship professional learning opportunity, you will be able to participate in Phase 3 services.