Yes, you are at Reading! We launched a new website in 2021 to make it easier for you to find services and resources and to celebrate 25 years of Reading Apprenticeship.
With this new site, we endeavor to provide visitors with accessible ways to learn about our professional learning approach, understand how to get started transforming instruction, and see Reading Apprenticeship in action via implementation stories and videos.
Teachers and instructional leaders and will find useful information about what the professional learning looks like on the services page. Research professionals and district leaders can learn more about our evidence base and ongoing studies on the impact page. The library of resources can now be searched and filtered, so everyone can access many publications and classroom and professional learning tools.
We will be regularly updating the site with resources, publications, and new services and courses, so visit often for the latest updates. You can also get notified of new content by signing up for our quarterly e-bulletin.
As with all of our work, Reading will be kept fresh and relevant via continuous improvement and collaboration. If you cannot find something you are looking for, or would like to see something added to the site, please use the Contact Us form to send us a note and we’ll respond.
The Reading Apprenticeship team at WestEd expresses our sincere appreciation to all of the teachers, staff, students, administrators, researchers, writers, and design professionals who have contributed to this site and its many resources.